Episode 3

Wolf-man Jack (Dagwood) has jumped out of a window. He sniffed something... (is this going to happen every time?)

Melchior and Theivin run through the kitchen.

The baddies went down some stairs in a room off the kitchen.

Theivin catches a glimpse of some fairy fire going through an open secret door.

A wolf runs past us at speed snapping his jaws at the air making a strange "heehaw" noise.

A fight ensues, of course.

We dispatch the halfling (he had it coming) and the barbarian.

The Mage continues running to the river and jumps into a boat then the river and almost drowns. Some Rays of Frost probably contributed.

Dagwood and Krud saved him after they strip his body.


  • Barbarian: maul (+1, double damage on 19 or 20, on 20 it stuns, its a little bit blackened, and it needs some TLC), club, leathers, 50gold, 30 silver
  • Mage: wand of binding +1, scrolls (TBA), spell book (encrypted), 5 gems (25 gold each). A ring of some sort.
  • Thief: short bow, arrows 12 nice ones (4 x +1 to hit, +1 damage, flame arrows, knock arrows), 36 normal arrows. Short sword with "insert for poison". Poison vials x 4 (1 x blind, 3 unknown). On closer inspection... 4 gems worth 50 gold each, 75 gold

Back to The Dubious Chronicles of Wyvern’s Keep.

Stupid things we've overheard...

You racist! They're elves. So what if they're black?

Random Quote

With you, my heart is quiet here,
And all my thoughts are cool as rain.
I sit and let the shifting year
Go by before the windowpane,
And reach my hand to yours, my dear …
I wonder what it’s like in Spain.