Upcoming Cons (13 March 2005)


25 to 28 March, Easter 2005. Location: Newtown High School. web site


12-14 August, 2005. Quakers Hill High School, (wherever the Hell Quakers Hill is...) 70 Lalor Road, Quakers Hill, NSW 2763. web site


Their web site hasn't been updated since 2003. God know's what going on with their con. web site


10-12 December 2004, Macquarie University. We missed Raven's Nest. That'd be SING'S FAULT!!! No news on their 2005 games yet. web site

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Stupid things we've overheard...

Take the other end of this rope and we'll trip the dragon as it runs through the doorway.

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WTF: Why The Face?