Baelard's first letter

Mauris rhoncus sapien vel orci pharetra sit amet molestie augue gravida. Mauris pellentesque, enim eget rutrum laoreet, orci mi tincidunt ipsum, eu vulputate orci dui ac purus.

Since Ulferth’s promotion to Master of Records, his behavior has troubled me more and more. I presented my concerns to Hughgren, Master of Studies, yesterday evening. He dismissed them as unsupported observations. As Defender, I am charged with observing and reporting impartially. If the Masters will not hear my reports at this time, then I consider it my duty to maintain a written record of events for the future.

My fear is that Ulferth’s undeniable brilliance and his unimpeachable scholarship, which fueled his rapid rise to prominence among this region’s most accomplished sages, have blinded the library’s Masters to less apparent, but no less real, issues.

My greatest fears revolve around the following facts. F I have observed Ulferth nightly leaving his chamber in the upper quarters after the hour of repose. He inevitably descends beneath the library. F There he spends hours in the burial preparation chamber. F On many of these forays, he also enters the crypts alone, inthe dead of night, for hours at a time.F

Most troubling of all, on some occasions he has disappeared completely. My searches of the library, the ceremonial chambers, and even the crypts have failed to find him. Perhaps he has a hidden means of entering and leaving the catacomb; perhaps he has a concealed sanctum somewhere in or connected to the structure. Both possibilities are unsettling.

As Ulferth’s friend, it pains me to write these things. He refuses to talk to me now. Out of fear for him and concern for the library, this mystery demands investigation.

— Baelard, the Defender

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