Journal Entry 1 – The Mendain Campaign

The Mozzie Coasters

Following the successful conclusion of our glorious campaign in The Kingdom of Del Aran, we prudently decided not to sojourn in the capital – Del Mara, and head for the south – Del Sud.

Again not wanting to burden the Kingdom; we decided to discreetly get a boat off the island. We found passage on a fine ship under the captaincy of the equally fine good Captain Talp, ship name not provided.

While boarding it was only realised afterwards that something was left behind… more on that later.

On board we met another passenger, one Dylan Jeremy St James (the second). In his hands was a loot Crate:

Loot Crate

Actually a lute case…

Lute Case

We had a bard in our midst… For a bard Dil (our name we quickly adopted for him), was a quiet one. However several days later we stopped at an island and adjourned to a tavern at the end of the pier.

There after a slow start (1/20), Dil wowed them (20/20), the fish wives, the crusty old hands and the barnacle boys. Many ales later we adjourned to the boat. The ship was casting off in the morning to the next stop.

This again repeated at a second island.

About a week later we arrived at the mainland – the fair port city of Port Mendain, a city of around 100 years old and 7,000 people mostly humans. Gnoll tribes were pushed out into the hinterlands to make space for God’s chosen.

Northwards towards the mainland capital was farming land, southwards was very green, almost topical, one of the sailors said it was a great swamp.

On advice from the captain we took rooms at the Salt and Pepper Inn. Dylan Jeremy St James joined us. When getting off the board and looking for Deadwood to take our bags for us, we realised he wasn’t there. I asked around, “I thought I saw him at breakfast… Did you see him, Thorvald?” I looked at Krudd, but he didn’t look the least bit guilty. Oh well I guess he will turn up… We had to pay a boy to take our bags.

Afterwards, we repaired to the bar at the inn for refreshments. While there an officer in the guard approached us, and said Lord Mendain was interested in seeing us….

To be continued…

Back to The Mosquito Coast.

Stupid things we've overheard...

So you're Tiamat, huh? Are you evil? Yes? Would you like to convert?

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Few novels or plays could exist without at least one troublemaker in the group, and perhaps life couldn’t either.